>>Log 2: Cryosleep failures
More and more of the sleep chambers are thawing out, but not everyone is waking up.
What I just wrote down is an understatement, really. I was assigned to monitor the state of the sleep chambers to make sure no outside force messes with them. Many of the chambers windows are foggy and the most you can make out are vague shapes that just so happen to resemble the human form, sometimes not even that.
The chambers in section 4 began thawing out at alarming rates, not as if it would matter to the people inside of them as they no longer resembled anything alive. Something must’ve gone horribly wrong as throughout all these years, their bodies have broken down into a liquid of sorts.
I feel great sympathy for the crewmembers who were on cleaning duty that day.
Our chances weren’t great before but if this keeps happening and we lose even more people how will we ever rebuild society? Will we even get to try or will it end here? With us stuck on this uninhabitable rock?
There is also the chance this failure occurred recently, maybe as recently as the first few people waking up? I will tell upper management to check all capsules and look for signs of decomposition from within.

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